Tipitaka Network: Pali Document Framework

XML schema for the Tipitaka and Pali literature

This project aims to develop and maintain an open set of standards for the digital encoding of Pali texts using the XML specifications. Open XML schema(s) for the Tipitaka and Pali literature will provide a standard description to the structure and content of any Pali text, e.g. a sutta, a gathaa, etc. Well-defined schema(s) would encourage and enable better exchange of Pali texts, and also facilitate scholarly works in translations, comparative studies, etc., and most importantly, the preservation and representation of Pali texts and manuscripts in digital form. In time, we hope to promote the use of these standards by other websites and organisations.

Request for discussion

Discussion: If you are interested to participate in the project, please join our discussion at SourceForge.net.

Issue 1: 2008.08.31 YPO - SourceForge address update
Issue 0: 2008.08.24 YPO - Initial release