Program Basics

Input Easy

updated May 5, 2000

Please read the Technical Notes section of this document before starting the program. It is important.

The Quick Start Tutorial also contains many notes about the practical application of certain features that are not included in this section.

Input Easy will start in full-screen mode and has no working minimize button. You can minimize the program by pushing the standard "destop" button on your toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

People who use the program generally enter the program, concentrate on a learning exercise, and exit the program. Eliminating the menu bar and toolbar also recovered some screen space. Many people in the international world (especially students) have older 386/486 computers with 640x480 screens (I think there are about 80 million of them, but I'm not certain). The program was be created with this in mind.

You can only exit Input Easy by returning to the first screen and pressing the 'Done' buttons until you press 'Done - Exit Program'. This will seem a bit strange but it is based on the learning principle of going from a high conceptual level to the detail level and back to the high level again. In learning a large body of knowledge this will ensure that you are learning detail information in a coherent way (in context), and re-anchoring previously mastered knowledge with every learning exercise.

It also means that you never have to say 'File Save'. The file you are working with will be saved automatically on program exit. If it is a new file, you will be asked if you wish to save the file. There is also a 'Save' button on the screen where your chapters/sections are listed.

The Help buttons provide help for the currently active screen. There is a help button on every screen. The F1 key does not work. You can load use this documentation file as an online reference, or you can print out the parts of it you need. If you have the documentation active in your word processor, you can use your word processor's 'Edit'->'Find' function to look for words and phrases.

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