Pali Day by Day

Pali Primer Exercise 19

Translate into English

1. Ammaaya mañjuusaaya.m pakkhitta.m daarikaa na ga.nhi.
by/of mother / in box / kept / gold / girl / did not take
The girl did not take the gold kept in the box by the mother.
The girl did not take the gold kept in the mother's box.

2. Dhotaani vatthaani gahetvaa bhariyaa udakamhaa uttari.
washed / clothes / having taken / wife / from water / come out
Having taken the washed clothes the wife stepped out of the water.
Alt: The wife stepped out of the water taking the washed clothes.

3. Kassakehi uyyaane ropitesu rukkhesu phalaani bhavi.msu.
by farmers / in park / planted / on trees / fruits / there were
There were fruits on the trees planted in the park by the farmers.

4. Buddhaa devehi ca narehi ca puujitaa honti.
Buddhas / by gods and / by men and / honoured / are
Buddhas are honoured by gods and men.

5. Udakena puurita.m patta.m gahetvaa vanitaa geha.m aagataa hoti.
with water / filled / bowl / having taken / woman / [to] house / come / has
Having taken the bowl filled with water, the woman has come to the house.
Alt: The woman has come to the house taking/carrying a bowl filled with water.

6. Adhammena (unrighteously) diipa.m paalentena bhuupaalena pii.litaa manussaa kuddhaa honti.
unrighteously / island / ruling / by king / oppressed / people / angry / are
The people oppressed by the king ruling the island unrighteously are angry.

7. Pakka.m (ripe) phala.m tu.n.dena gahetvaa u.d.denta.m suva.m aha.m apassi.m.
ripe / fruit / with beak / having taken / flying / parrot / I / saw
I saw a flying parrot taking a ripe fruit in its beak.

8. Udento suriyo braahma.nena namassito hoti.
rising / sun / by brahmin / worshipped / is
The rising sun is worshipped by the brahmin.

9. Ammaaya jaalita.m diipa.m aadaya putto vihaara.m pavi.t.tho hoti.
by mother / lighted / lamp / have taken / son / monastery / entered / has
Having taken the lamp lighted by (his) mother, the son has entered the monastery.
Alt: The son has entered the monastery taking/carrying/holding a lamp lit by (his) mother.

10. Vanitaaya dussena chaadite aasane nisiiditvaa sannipatitaaya parisaaya dhamma.m desesi.
by woman / with cloth / covered / on seat / monk / having seated / assembled / to retinue / dhamma / preached
Having seated on a seat covered with a cloth by the woman, the monk preached the dhamma to the assembled retinue/audience/congregation/people.

11. Kassakena khetta.m aaniitaa go.naa khaadantaa aahi.n.di.msu.
by farmer / [to] field / brought / oxen / grass / eating / roamed
The oxen brought to the field by the farmer roamed (about) eating grass.

12. Vaa.nijaa mañjuusaasu .thapitaani dussaani na
merchants / in boxes / kept / clothes / did no sell
The merchants did not sell clothes kept in boxes.

13. Sace tva.m sacca.m jaaneyyaasi maa putta.m akkosa.
if / you / truth / may...know / do not / son / scold!
If you know the truth, do not reproach (your) son.

14. Naavaaya nikkhantaa naraa samudda.m taritvaa diipa.m paapu.nitvaa bhariyaahi saddhi.m kathentaa modanti.
by boat / leaving / people / sea / having crossed / island / having crossed / with wives / talking / are happy
The people, who left by the boat, crossed the sea and reached the island, are happy talking with (their) wives.

15. Magge .thite vaa.nijassa saka.te aha.m kaññaaya aaniitaani bha.n.daani .thapesi.m.
on road / stood / merchant's / in cart / I / by girl / brought / goods / kept
I kept the goods brought by the girl in the merchant's cart stationed on the road.

16. Dhammena laddhena dhanena putte posetvaa jiivantaa manussaa devataahi rakkhitaa honti.
righteously / received / with wealth / children / having brought up / living / people / by gods / protected / are
People who live bringing up (their) children with righteously earned wealth are protected by gods.

17. Saavakehi ca upaasakehi ca parivaarito Buddho vihaarassa chaayaaya nisinno hoti.
by disciples and / by lay devotees and / accompanied / Buddha / monastery's / shade / seated / is
The Buddha, accompanied by disciples and lay devotees, is seated in the shade of the monastery.

18. Ammaaya paapehi nivaaritaa puttaa sappurisaa hutvaa dhamma.m su.nanti.
by mother / from evil / prevented / sons / good men / having become / [to] dhamma / listen
The sons who were prevented from evil by the mother become noble men and listen to the dhamma.

19. Kassake pii.lentaa coraa pa.n.ditena anusaasitaa sappurisaa bhavitu.m vaayamantaa upaasakehi saddhi.m uyyaane rukkhe ropenti.
farmers / oppressing / thieves / by wise man / admonished / good men / to become / trying / with lay devotees / in park / trees / plant
Thieves who were oppressing farmers were admonished by the wise man, and trying to become good men they plant trees in the park with lay devotees.

20. Vanitaa puttaaya pa.tiyaaditamhaa bhattamhaa khudaaya pii.litassa yaacakassa thoka.m (little) datvaa paaniiya.m ca dadi/adaasi.
woman / for son / prepared / from rice / by hunger / oppressed / to beggar / little / having given / water / and / gave
The woman gave a little (of) the rice prepared for (her) son to the starving beggar and gave water (too).

21. Sabhaaya.m nisiiditvaa daarikaaya gaayitu.m giita.m sutvaa kaññaayo modi.msu.
in assembly / having seated / by girl / to sing / song / having heard / girls / were happy
The girls seated in the assembly were delighted hearing the song sung by the little girl.

22. Amaccena nimantitaa purisaa saalaaya.m nisiiditu.m asakkontaa (unable) uyyaane sannipati.msu.
by minister / invited / people / in hall / to sit / unable / in park / assembled
Being unable to sit in the hall, the people invited by the minister assembled in the park.

23. Kassakehi khettesu vuttehi biijehi thoka.m (little) saku.naa khaadi.msu.
by farmers / in fields / sown / seeds / little / birds / ate
The birds ate a little (of) the seeds sown in the fields by the farmers.

24. Kumaarehi rukkhamuule niliiyitvaa sayanto sappo di.t.tho hoti.
by/from boys / under tree / having hidden / sleeping / snake / seen / is
The snake is found/seen hiding and sleeping under the tree by the boys.
Alt: The snake is found hiding from the boys and sleeping under the tree.

25. Vaa.nijena diipamhaa aaha.taani vatthaani ki.nitu.m vanitaayo icchanti.
by merchant / from island / brought / clothes / to buy / women / wish
The women wish to buy the clothes brought by the merchant from the island.

26. Sace bhuupaalo dhammena manusse rakkheyya te kammaani katvaa daarake posentaa sukha.m vindeyyu.m.
if / king / righteously / people / protect / they / work / having done / children / bringing up / happiness / would experience
If the king protects the people by fair means, they would experience happiness doing work and bringing up (their) children.

27. Puttena yaacitaa ammaa mittaana.m odana.m pa.tiyaadesi.
by son / begged / mother / for friends / meal / prepared
Begged by (her) son, the mother prepared a meal for (his) friends.

28. Amaccena pu.t.tha.m pañha.m adhigantu.m asakkonto coraana.m duuto cintetu.m aarabhi.
by minister / asked / question / to understand / unable / thieves' / messenger / to think / began
The thieves' messenger began to think being unable to understand the question asked by the minister.

29. Corehi guhaaya.m niliiyitaani bha.n.daani passitvaa vaanaraa taani (them) aadaaya rukkhe aaruhi.msu.
by thieves / in caves / hidden / goods / having seen / monkeys / them / having taken / trees / climbed
Seeing the goods hidden in the caves by the thieves, the monkeys took them and climbed the trees.

30. Aha.m pariyesita.m dhamma.m adhigantvaa modaami.
I / sought for / doctrine/truth / having understood / am happy
Having understood the doctrine/truth I sought for, I am happy.

Translate into Pali

1. The man who came to the assembly could not speak with the ministers.
naro / aagato / sabha.m / na sakkosi / kathetu.m / amaccehi saha
Sabha.m aagato naro amaccehi saha kathetu.m na sakkosi.

2. The child ran to the shop taking the money given by the mother.
daarako / dhaavi / / aadaaya / mula.m / dinna.m / ammaaya
Ammaaya dinna.m mula.m aadaaya daarako dhaavi.

3. The king is seated in the chariot drawn by the horses.
bhuupaalo / hoti / nisinno / rathe / aaka.d.dhite / assehi
Bhuupaalo assehi aaka.d.dhite rathe nisinno hoti.

4. Having discussed with the wise man the farmers sent a messenger to the king.
mantetvaa / pa.n.ditena saha / kassakaa / pesesu.m / duuta.m / santika.m / bhuupaalaaya
Pa.n.ditena saha mantetvaa kassakaa bhuupaalaaya santika.m duuta.m pesesu.m.

5. The children went out of the open door.
daarakaa / nikkhami.msu / viva.tamhaa / dvaaramhaa
Daarakaa viva.tamhaa dvaaramhaa nikkhami.msu.

6. The women who got down to the water washed clothes and bathed.
vanitaayo / otaritvaa / udakamhi / dhovitvaa / vatthaani / nahaayi.msu
Udakamhi otaritvaa vanitaayo vatthaani dhovitvaa nahaayi.msu.

7. Buddhas and their disciples are worshipped by gods and men.
Buddhaa ca / saavakaa ca / honti / vanditaa / devehi ca / narehi ca
Buddhaa ca saavakaa ca devehi ca narehi ca vanditaa honti.

8. The merchant sold the clothes sewn by women.
vaa.nijo / / dussaani / sibbitaani / vanitaahi
Vaa.nijo vanitaahi sibbitaani dussaani

9. I did not take the flowers and fruits brought by the girl from the forest.
aha.m / na ga.nhi.m / pupphaani ca / phalaani ca / aaha.taani / kaññaaya / araññasmaa
Aha.m araññasmaa kaññaaya aaha.taani pupphaani ca phalaani ca na ga.nhi.m.

10. Being chased by the dog, the girls quickly (siigha.m) ran home.
anubandhitaayo / kukkurena / daarikaayo / siigha.m / dhaavi.msu / geha.m
Kukkurena anubandhitaayo daarikaayo siigha.m geha.m dhaavi.msu.

11. The teacher having seen the evil deed done by the girl advised her.
aacariyo / disvaa / paapakamma.m / kata.m / daarikaaya / ovadi / (ta.m)
Daarikaaya kata.m paapakamma.m disvaa aacariyo ovadi.

12. We did not light the lamps prepared by the women.
maya.m / na jaalayimha / diipe / pa.tiyaadite / vanitaahi
Vanitaahi pa.tiyaadite diipe maya.m na jaalayimha.

13. You do not drag the branches cut by the farmer from the mountain.
tumhe / maa aaka.d.dhatha / saakhaayo / chinnaayo / kassakena / pabbatamhaa
Maa tumhe pabbatamhaa kassakena chinnaayo saakhaayo aaka.d.dhatha.

14. Without getting the pay for the work done, the woman is angry.
alabhitvaa / vetana.m / kammassa / assa* / vanitaa / hoti / kuddhaa
Vanitaa assa kammassa vetana.m alabhitvaa kuddhaa hoti.

15. Do not ask for fruits from the boy sitting on the branch.
maa yacaahi / phalaani / kumaarasmaa / nisiidantasmaa / saakhaaya.m
Maa saakhaaya.m nisiidantasmaa kumaarasmaa phalaani yacaahi.

16. The woman who is scolded by the brahmin cries, seated at the door.
vanitaa / akkositaa / braahma.nena / rodati / nisinnaa / dvaarasmi.m
Braahma.nena akkositaa dvaarasmi.m nisinnaa vanitaa rodati.

17. The girl being called by the mother ran home to eat rice.
daarikaa / pakkositaa / ammaaya / dhaavi / geha.m / bhuñjitu.m / odana.m
Ammaaya pakkositaa daarikaa odana.m bhuñjitu.m geha.m dhaavi.

18. The men who tried to cut the creepers started pulling the branches.
manussaa / ussahitaa / chinditu.m / lataayo / aarabhi.msu / aaka.d.dhitu.m / saakhaayo
Lataayo chinditu.m ussahitaa manussaa saakhaayo aaka.d.dhitu.m aarabhi.msu.

19. The farmer who makes a living righteously, ploughing his fields experiences happiness with his wife and children.
kassako / jiivanto / dhammena / kasanto / khette / vindati / sukha.m / bhariyaaya ca / daarakehi ca
Dhammena jiivanto kassako khette kasanto bhariyaaya ca daarakehi ca sukha.m vindati.

20. Deities who have departed from the world of gods and are born in the human world rejoice listening to the dhamma preached by the Buddha.
devaa / cavitvaa / devalokamhaa / uppajjitvaa / manussalokamhi / modanti / su.nantaa / dhamma.m / desita.m / Buddhena
Devalokamhaa cavitvaa manussalokamhi uppajjitvaa devaa Buddhena desita.m dhamma.m su.nantaa modanti.

21. The thieves who were instructed by the monk became good men.
coraa / anusaasitaa / sama.nena / bhavi.msu / sappurisaa
Sama.nena anusaasitaa coraa sappurisaa bhavi.msu.

22. There were no fruits on the trees planted by the farmer.
bhavi.msu / na / phalaani / rukkhesu / ropitesu / kassakena
Kassakena ropitesu rukkhesu phalaani na bhavi.msu.

23. Bitten by the dog the girl ran home and cried.
da.t.thaa / kukkurena / kaññaa / dhaavitvaa / geha.m / rodi
Kukkurena da.t.thaa kaññaa geha.m dhaavitvaa rodi.

24. The minister is not known to the doctor.
amacco / hoti / na ñaato / vejjena
Amacco vejjena na ñaato hoti.

25. Seated under the tree the girls played with sand.
nisiinnayo / rukkhamuule / daarikaayo / / vaalukaaya
Rukkhamuule nisiinnayo daarikaayo vaalukaaya

26. Sons, do not drink liquor.
puttaa / maa / pibatha / sura.m
Puttaa, maa sura.m pibatha.

27. Mothers prevent children from evil.
ammaayo / nivaarenti / daarake / paapasmaa
Ammaayo daarake paapasmaa nivaarenti.

28. I gave water to the dog oppressed with thirst.
aha.m / adaasi.m/adadi.m paaniiya.m / kukkuraaya / pii.litaaya / pipaasena
Aha.m pipaasena pii.litaaya kukkuraaya paaniiya.m adaasi.m/adadi.m.

29. Seeing the hunter coming we hid among the trees.
disvaa / luddaka.m / upasa'nkamanta.m / maya.m / niliiyimha / rukkhesu
Upasa'nkamanta.m luddaka.m disvaa maya.m rukkhesu niliiyimha.

30. We prepared alms with faith and gave to the monks.
maya.m / pa.tiyaadetvaa / daanaani / saddhaaya / dadimha / sama.naana.m
Maya.m saddhaaya daanaani pa.tiyaadetvaa sama.naana.m dadimha.

* Assa is the dative form of aya.m. In this case, assa kammassa = for this word.

Series A

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+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30
+ Lesson 31
+ Lesson 32

Series B

+ Lesson 1
+ Lesson 2
+ Lesson 3
+ Lesson 4
+ Lesson 5
+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
+ Lesson 12

Series C

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+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
+ Lesson 9
+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
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+ Lesson 14
+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
+ Lesson 18
+ Lesson 19
+ Lesson 20
+ Lesson 21
+ Lesson 22
+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Lesson 27
+ Lesson 28
+ Lesson 29
+ Lesson 30

Series D

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+ Lesson 6
+ Lesson 7
+ Lesson 8
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+ Lesson 10
+ Lesson 11
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+ Lesson 15
+ Lesson 16
+ Lesson 17
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+ Lesson 20
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+ Lesson 23
+ Lesson 24
+ Lesson 25
+ Lesson 26
+ Buddheniya Vatthu
+ Paniyadinnass Vatthu
+ Duggatassa Danam
+ Sumanadeviya Vatthu
+ Selections from Dhammapada [more]

Series E

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+ Exercise 20
+ Exercise 21
+ Exercise 22
+ Exercise 23
+ Exercise 24
+ Exercise 25
+ Exercise 26
+ Exercise 27
+ Exercise 28

Series F

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+ Exercise 22