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Introduction to Pali (1991)

Lesson 3 (sample text)

Declension of bhagavant, brahman, and raajan

A few masculine nouns in stems other than a are of common occurrence. The usual title for the Buddha in Pali texts has the stem form bhagavant, meaning "the fortunate", "the bountiful", "the Master" (translations vary: "the blessed one", "the exalted one", etc.). The inflections in the nominative and accusative are as follows:-

Singular Plural
Nom. bhagavaa bhagavanto
Acc. bhagavanta.m

The noun brahman, meaning "God" (the supreme being and creator in the Brahmanical religion of the hereditary priesthood of India), is inflected in the nominative and accusative singular as follows:-

Nom. brahmaa
Acc. brahmaana.m

The noun raajan, "king", is similarly inflected in these cases.

Seventh Conjugation

Verbs of the cur or seventh conjugation (curaadi ga.na) form present stems with the vowel e (or, much less often, with the fuller suffix aya, of which e is a contraction). The root vowel is strengthened and sometimes lengthened. As in the first conjugation i and u become e and o, but a is often lengthened (vuddhi) to aa. The personal endings are similar to those of the first conjugation. From the root dis, "to teach":-

Singular Plural
3rd person deseti desenti
2nd person desesi desetha
1st person desemi desema

Similarly conjugated are:-


Masculine nouns in a:-