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The New Pāli Course Book 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Vocabulary: Pali-English
Vocabulary: English-Pali
For free distribution, as a gift of Dhamma.

The New Pali Course Book 1


62. The adverb proper in Pali is stated to be in the accusative singular of the neuter, e.g.,

But many other indeclinables like tadaa (then) may be taken under this heading.

Of the numerical adverbs ordinals take the form of the neuter singular, e.g.

Cardinals form their adverbs by adding suffixes -kkhattu.m and dhaa.

A List of Adverbs

Exercise 23

Translate into English

  1. Imesa.m dasanna.m dhanavantaana.m pa~ncamo sukha.m jiivati.
  2. Aya.m diipi sanika.m aagantvaa sahasaa gaaviyaa upari pati.
  3. A.t.thanna.m ka~n~naana.m cha.t.thaa gaavi.m da.lha.m bandhitvaa vaapi.m nesi.
  4. Ime pa~nca daarakaa abhinha.m magge dhaavantaa kii.lanti.
  5. Imesu navasu sissesu sattamo saadhuka.m ugga.nhaati.
  6. Bhikkhuu Bhagavato santika.m aagantvaa ta.m vanditvaa ekamanta.m nisiidi.msu.
  7. So se.t.thii (attano*) dhana.m pa~ncadhaa vibhajitvaa pa~ncanna.m dhiitaraana.m adadi.
  8. Tassa cha.t.thaaya dhiituyaa putto dvikkhattu.m ima.m nagara.m aagacchi.
  9. Pa.thama.m te assaa ratha.m sama.m aaka.d.dhi.msu, dutiya.m siigha.m dhaavi.msu.
  10. Mama a.t.thanna.m bhaataraana.m catuttho dukkha.m jiivati.
  11. Katha.m te cattaaro vaa.nijaa tattha vasanti?
  12. So dhiitara.m eva.m vatvaa sahasaa tato a~n~na.m .thaana.m gacchi.

* His own.

Translate into Pali

  1. Those ten boys are constantly playing at this place.
  2. The fifth of these seven merchants lives happily (or comfortably).
  3. The king twice came out of the city and once bathed in this tank.
  4. The horses will run quickly drawing evenly the carriages after them.
  5. The fourth of the seven monks does not observe* the precepts** well.
  6. These twelve merchants went to the Buddha and sat aside to hear His preaching***.
  7. Suddenly a thief came to me and tried**** to take my umbrella.
  8. Slowly they went together***** to the bank of the river and came back separately.
  9. The third of the five sons of my friend learns with difficulty.
  10. How did he enter the city and come out of it quickly?
  11. The second daughter of his sixth brother lives (with difficulty) or miserably.
  12. Thus he spoke to his third sister and went aside.

* Na rakkhati.
** Siilaani or sikkhaapadaani.
*** Desana.m.
**** Ussahi.
***** Ekato.


63. A sentence may contain any number of words; but one cannot make a sentence without a verb.

Even the shortest sentence must have two portions: the subject (kattaa) and the predicate (kriyaa). (One may say "Go" without any subject, but there the subject is understood.)

(1) "Puriso sayati." (The man sleeps), is a complete sentence. Here "puriso" is the subject and "sleeps" is the predicate.

(2) The above sentence has no object as intransitive verbs do not take an object. But transitive verbs always take an object; therefore a sentence formed with a transitive verb consists of three portions, viz.:- kattaa (subject), kamma.m (object), and kriyaa (predicate), e.g.

Subject Object Predicate
Puriso rukkha.m chindati
= The man cuts the tree.

Order of Sentences

64. In the sentence, "Puriso rukkha.m chindati", the subject comes first, the object second, and the predicate last. (In an English sentence, the object must come after the predicate.)

This is the general way of forming sentences which a beginner must follow. But there are no definite rules about the order of the words in a Pali sentence. The above sentence may be written in four ways:-

(1) Puriso rukkha.m chindati.

(2) Rukkha.m puriso chindai.

(3) Chindati puriso rukkha.m.

(4) Puriso chindati rukkha.m.

In any way the meaning is the same; and one has no difficulty in finding the subject and the object as they are always in different cases.


65. (1) The predicate must agree with the subject in number and person.

(2) An adjective (participle included), must agree with the noun it qualifies in gender, number and case, e.g. Balavaa puriso sayanta.m go.na.m bandhati.

(3) A relative pronoun must agree with its antecedent in gender, number and person, e.g.,

(A) Ye pu~n~na.m karonti te sagge nibbattanti.
(B) Yo magge gacchati tassa pitaa hiiyo mari.

Exercise 24

Point out subjects, objects and predicates in the following sentences:-

  1. Bhaataa vaapi.m gacchanto ekassa rukkhassa muule nisiidi.
  2. Tassa pitaa paato gehaa nikkhamitvaa vana.m gamissati.
  3. Te pakkhino tesa.m rukkhaana.m saakhaasu nisiiditvaa ravanti.
  4. Catasso kumaariyo pupphaani ocinitu.m eka.m rukkha.m aaruhi.msu.
  5. Dasa hatthino imassa taruno a.t.tha saakhaa bha~njitvaa khaadi.msu.
  6. Saa yuvatii dve maalaa pi.landhitvaa hasantii ti.t.thati.
  7. Suve maya.m ta.m nagara.m gantvaa bahuuni bha.n.daani ki.nissaama.
  8. Magge dhaavantaa pa~nca daarakaa ekasmi.m aavaa.te pati.msu.
  9. Pa.n.narasa vaa.nijaa dasa asse aaharitvaa se.t.thino vikki.ni.msu.
  10. Dve kassakaa cattaaro kaa.le go.ne haritvaa tassa.m nadiya.m nahaapesu.m.

Insert suitable subjects, objects and predicates where necessary.

  1. ............... rukkha.m aaruhitvaa phalaani ocinaati.
  2. Magge gacchanto ............... dhaavante ............... passi.
  3. Tuyha.m bhaginii daaraka.m aadaaya hasantii ................
  4. Daaso ............... rajjuyaa bandhitvaa nahaapeti.
  5. ............... aapa.namhaa vatthaani ki.nitvaa aanetha.
  6. Maya.m nahaatvaa aagantvaa bhatta.m ................
  7. Aha.m suve tayaa saddhi.m gaama.m ................
  8. Yuvatiyo ............... ocinitu.m ............... gamissanti.
  9. Amhaaka.m ............... tasmi.m nagare bha.n.daani vikki.nanti.
  10. Cattaaro ............... padumaani aadaaya vihaara.m gamissanti.
  11. ............... suve aapa.na.m gantvaa ............... aaharissaama.
  12. Tva.m sakkharaahi godha.m maa ................
  13. Vaanaraa ............... aaruhitvaa ............... bha~njanti.
  14. Taa itthiyo ............... pacitvaa bhu~njitvaa ................

How to Enlarge and Analyse a Sentence

66. It is stated that a sentence consists of two parts, the subject and the predicate, or sometimes three parts: the subject, the object and the predicate. (Note that the object belongs to the predicate.)

In enlarging a sentence one must enlarge the subject or the object, or both of them. They may be enlarged with one or more adjectives, adjectival phrases, or clauses, or with a noun in the genitive, which is in the nature of an adjective, as it separates the thing possessed, from others.

The enlargement of a predicate is called its extension. It may be done by adding one or more adverbs or adverbial phrases, or words in the Instrumental, Ablative (of separation) or Locative cases.

Now let us enlarge the sentences:

(A) Puriso rukkha.m chindati.

Enlargement of subject Subject Enlargement of object Object Enlargement of predicate Predicate
Balavaa puriso mahanta.m rukkha.m pharasunaa chindati.
So seto, balavaa puriso ucca.m, mudu.m rukkha.m hatthehi pharasu.m aadaaya chindati.
Pa~n~navaa, dhanavaa, balii puriso pupphehi phalehi ca yutta.m, ta.m rukkha.m tasmi.m vane, idaani chindati.

(B) Go.no ti.na.m khaadati.

Enlargement of subject Subject Enlargement of object Object Enlargement of predicate Predicate
Ratto go.no bahu.m ti.na.m idaani khaadati.
Balavaa seto go.no khette jaata.m, bahu.m ti.na.m tatta .thatvaa, siigha.m khaadati.
Catuppado*, si`ngi**, baalo, rukkhe baddho, go.no khuddakaa khettamhaa daasena aaniita.m ti.na.m visu.m visu.m katvaa aadaaya khaadati.

* Quadruped or that which has four feet.
** That which has horns, or possessed of horns.

Exercise 25

Enlarge the following sentences.

  1. Kumaari bhatta.m pacati.
  2. Daarako magge kii.lati.
  3. Vaanaraa rukkhe nisiidanti.
  4. Kassakaa khetta.m kasi.msu.
  5. Siiho vanamhi vasati.
  6. Bhuupati nagare carati.
  7. Pitaa gehe sayati.
  8. Dhiitaro nadiya.m nahaayanti.
  9. Bhaatuno putto ugga.nhaati.
  10. Vanitaayo padumaani aaharanti.
  11. Tumhe pakkhino maa maaretha.
  12. Tva.m cetiya.m vandaahi.
  13. Aha.m siila.m rakkhissaami.
  14. Bhikkhavo dhamma.m desenti.
  15. Maya.m Anuraadhapura.m gamissaama.

Analyse the following sentences.

  1. Cattaaro purisaa balavante a.t.tha go.ne ta.m mahanta.m khetta.m hari.msu.
  2. Imasmi.m gaame a.t.thasu gehesu pa~ncati.msati manussaa dukkha.m vasanti.
  3. Te dhanavantaa mahantesu ma~ncesu sukha.m sayissanti.
  4. Pa~ncanna.m daasaana.m dasa puttaa viisatiyaa balavantehi go.nehi khetta.m kasanti.
  5. Ekaa itthii dvinna.m puttaana.m rattaani vatthaani aaharitvaa adaasi.
  6. Dhanavanto vaa.nijaa saka.tehi bha.n.daani aadaaya gaame gantvaa taani siigha.m vikki.nissanti.
  7. Bhuupatino pa.thamo putto bahuuhi manussehi saddhi.m suve uyyaana.m gamissati.
  8. Mayha.m maatulaanii ratta.m gaavi.m diighaaya rajjuyaa da.lha.m rukkhe bandhi.
  9. Se.t.thino balavanto a.t.tha puttaa kakkha.la.m cora.m asiihi paharitvaa tatth'eva* maaresu.m.
  10. Gaama.m gacchantii vanitaa a~n~nissaa baala.m dhiitara.m disvaa tassaa tayo ambe adaasi.

* Tatth'eva = on the spot.