Sutta Translation

Pali Tipitaka > Sutta Pitaka > Majjhima Nikaya > Maharahulovada Sutta

Still under compilation.....

"Aanaapaanassati.m, Raahula, bhaavana.m bhaavehi. Aanaapaanassati hi te, Raahula, bhaavitaa bahuliikataa mahapphalaa hoti mahaanisa.msaa. Katha.m bhaavitaa ca, Raahula, aanaapaanassati, katha.m bahuliikataa mahapphalaa hoti mahaanisa.msaa? Idha, Raahula, bhikkhu araññagato vaa rukkhamuulagato vaa suññaagaaragato vaa nisiidati palla'nka.m aabhujitvaa uju.m kaaya.m pa.nidhaaya parimukha.m sati.m upa.t.thapetvaa. So satova assasati satova passasati.

"Aana-apaana-ssati.m, Raahula, bhaavana.m bhaavehi.
in breathing-out breathing-mindfulness / Rahula / mental development / cultivate
"Rahula, cultivate the development of mindfulness on in and out breathing.

Aana-apaana-ssati hi te, Raahula,
in breathing-out breathing-mindfulness / indeed / for you / Rahula
Indeed, for you, Rahula, the mindfulness on in and out breathing,

bhaavitaa bahuliikataa maha-pphalaa hoti maha-anisa.msaa.
cultivated / practised frequently / great fruits / is / great profit
(when) cultivated and practised frequently, is of great fruit and profit.

Katha.m bhaavitaa ca, Raahula, aanaapaanassati,
how / developed / and / Rahula / mindfulness of breathing
And how is the mindfulness of breathing developed, Rahula?

katha.m bahuliikataa mahapphalaa hoti mahaanisa.msaa?
how / practised frequently / great fruits / is / great profit
How is there great fruits and profit (when) practised frequently?

Idha, Raahula, bhikkhu arañña-gato vaa rukkhamuula-gato vaa suññaagaara-gato vaa
here / Rahula / a monk / gone to a forest / or / gone to the foot of a tree / or / gone to an empty place / or
Here, Rahula, a monk, gone to a forest or the foot of a tree or an empty place,

  • idha (adv.) here.
  • bhikkhu (m.) monk.
  • arañña (n.) forest.
  • gata (p.p. of gacchati) gone.
  • suññaagaara (n.) an empty place.

nisiidati palla'nka.m aabhujitvaa uju.m kaaya.m pa.nidhaaya parimukha.m sati.m upa.t.thapetvaa.
sits / sitting cross-legged / upright / body / to apply / before him / mindfulness / having established
sits cross-legged and body upright with mindfulness established before him.

  • nisiidati (v.) sits down.

So satova assasati satova passasati.
he / mindfully / breathes in / mindfully / breathes out
Mindfully, he breathes in, mindfully he breathes out.

  • sato'va (adv.) = sato + eva = mindfully.
  • assasati (v.) breathes in, inhales.
  • passasati (v.) breathes out, exhales.
"Rahula, cultivate the development of mindfulness on in and out breathing. Indeed, for you, Rahula, the mindfulness on in and out breathing, (when) cultivated and practised frequently, is of great fruit and profit. And how is the mindfulness of breathing developed, Rahula? How is there great fruits and profit (when) practised frequently? Here, Rahula, a monk, gone to a forest or the foot of a tree or an empty place, sits cross-legged and body upright with mindfulness established before him. Mindfully, he breathes in and out.

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contributed by the good folks at the Pali discussion group
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