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Paali Primer

Exercise 14

Translate into English

1. So pabbatamhaa udenta.m canda.m passitu.m paasaada.m aaruhissati.
he / from mountain / rising / moon / to see / palace / will climb
He will go up the palace to see the moon rising from the mountain.

2. Bhuupaalo corehi diipa.m rakkhitu.m amaccehi saha mantessati.
king / from thieves / island / to protect / with ministers / will discuss
The king will discuss with the ministers to protect the island from thieves.

3. Aha.m samudda.m taritvaa diipa.m paapu.nitvaa bha.n.daani vikki.nissaami.
I / sea / having crossed / island / having reached / goods / will sell
Having crossed the sea and reached the island, I will sell the goods.

4. Tumhe vihaara.m upasa`nkamantaa magge pupphaani vikki.nante manusse passissatha.
you / monastery / approaching / on road / flowers / selling / people / will see
Approaching the monastery, you will see people selling flowers on the road.

5. Udaka.m otaritvaa vatthaani dhovanto kassako nahaayitvaa geha.m aagamissati.
[into] water / having descended / clothes / washing / farmer / having bathed / home / will come
Having descended into the water and washing clothes, the farmer will bathe and come home.

6. Gaame viharanto tva.m nagara.m gantvaa ratha.m aanessasi.
in village / living / you / [to] city / having gone / chariot / will bring
You who live in the village will go to the city and bring a chariot.

7. Pu~n~na.m kaatu.m icchantaa tumhe sappurisaa paapamitte ovadissatha.
merit / to do / wishing / you / good men / wicked friends / will advise
Wishing to do merit, you good men will advise wicked friends.

8. Dhamma.m sotu.m uyyaane nisiidantaana.m upaasakaana.m aha.m paaniiya.m dassaami.
dhamma / to listen / in park / sitting / to lay devotees / I / drinking water / will give
I will give drinking water to the lay devotees sitting in the park to listen to the dhamma.

9. Maya.m bhuupaalaa dhammena diipe paalessaama.
we / kings / righteously / islands / will rule
We kings will rule the islands righteously.

10. Rukkha.m paatetvaa phalaani khaaditu.m icchanta.m asappurisa.m aha.m akkosaami.
tree / having fell / fruits / to eat / wishing / wicked man / I / scold
I scold the wicked man wishing to fell the trees and eat (its) fruits.
Alt: I scold the evil man who wishes to eat fruits by felling the tree.

11. Daana.m dadamaanaa siila.m rakkhantaa maya.m sama.nehi dhamma.m ugga.nhissaama.
alms / giving / precepts / observing / we / from monks / dhamma / will learn
Giving alms and observing precepts, we will learn the dhamma from the monks.

12. Dhaavantamhaa saka.tamhaa patanta.m daaraka.m disvaa tva.m vejja.m aanesi.
running / from cart / falling / child / having seen / you / doctor / bring
Having seen the child falling from the running cart, you bring the doctor.

13. Sacca.m adhigantu.m ussahanto taapaso Tathaagata.m passitu.m aaka`nkhati.
truth / to understand / trying / ascetic / Buddha / to see / hopes
Trying to understand the truth, the ascetic hopes to see the Buddha.

14. Buddhe pasiiditvaa upaasako devaputto hutvaa saggaloke uppajjati.
with Buddha / having being pleased / lay devotee / god / having become / in heavenly realm / is born
Being pleased with the Buddha, the lay devotee, having become a god, is born in the heavenly realm.

15. Udenta.m suriya.m disvaa braahma.no gehaa nikkhamma vandati.
rising / sun / having seen / brahmin / house / having left / worships
Having seen the sun rising, the brahmin leaves the house and worships (it).

16. Diipa.m pappotu.m aaka`nkhamaanaa maya.m samudda.m taritu.m naavika.m pariyesaama.
island / to reach / hoping / we / sea / to cross / sailor / search
Hoping to reach the island, we look for a sailor to cross the sea.

17. Amaccassa duuta.m pahi.nitu.m icchanto bhuupaalo aha.m asmi.
to minister / messenger / to send / wishing / king / I / am
I am the king wishing to send a messenger to the minister.

18. Pu~n~nakammaani karontaana.m vaa.nijaana.m dhana.m atthi.
meritorious deeds / doing / of merchants / money / this is
This is the money of the merchants who do meritorious deeds.
ALT: Merchants who perform meritorious deeds have wealth.

19. Maya.m giitaani gaayante naccante kumaare olokessaama.
we / songs / singing / dancing / boys / will look at
We will see the boys singing songs and dancing.

20. Paapa.m parivajjetvaa kusala.m karonte sappurise devaa puujessanti.
evil / having avoided / good / doing / good men / gods / will honour
Gods will honour good men who avoid evil and do good.

21. Sacca.m bhaasantaa asappurise anusaasantaa pa.n.ditaa upaasakaa bhavissanti.
truth / speaking / wicked men / admonishing / wise men / lay devotees / will become
The wise men who speak the truth and admonish the wicked men will become lay devotees.

22. Tva.m dha~n~nena patta.m puuretvaa aacariyassa dassasi.
you / with grain / bowl / having filled / to teacher / will give
You will fill the bowl with grain and give it to the teacher.

23. Rukkhamuule nisiiditvaa ciivara.m sibbanta.m sama.na.m aha.m upasa`nkamissaami.
under a tree / having seated / robe / sewing / monk / I / approach
I approach the monk sitting under a tree sewing a robe.

24. Aha.m sayantassa puttassa kaaya.m aamasanto ma~ncasmi.m nisiidaami.
I / sleeping / son's / body / stroking / on bed / sit
I sit on the bed stroking the body of (my) sleeping son.

25. Uyyaanesu rukkhe ropetu.m sama.naa manusse anusaasanti.
in parks / trees / to plant / monks / people / admonish
The monks admonish the people to plant trees in the parks.

Translate into Paali

1. Having learnt the dhamma from the Buddha I will live righteously (dhammena) in the world.
ugga.nhitvaa / dhamma.m / Buddhasmaa / aha.m / viharissaami / dhammena / loke
Aha.m Buddhasmaa dhamma.m ugga.nhitvaa loke dhammena viharissaami.

2. I will advise the king to rule the island righteously with his ministers.
aha.m / ovadissaami / bhuupaala.m / paaletu.m / diipa.m / dhammena / amaccehi saha
Aha.m amaccehi saha dhammena diipa.m paaletu.m bhuupaala.m ovadissaami.

3. Keeping the garment on the seat the child will enter the water to bathe.
.thapetvaa / saa.taka.m / aasanasmi.m / daarako / otarissati / udaka.m / nahaayitu.m
Aasanasmi.m saa.taka.m .thapetvaa daarako nahaayitu.m udaka.m otarissati.

4. Having heard the doctrine, you (pl.) will become pleased with the Tathaagata.
sutvaa / dhamma.m / tumhe / pasiidissatha / Tathaagate
Tumhe dhamma.m sutvaa Tathaagate pasiidissatha.

5. They who are walking in the forest collecting fruits will desire to drink water.
te / carantaa / vane / sa.mharantaa / phalaani / icchissanti / patu.m / udaka.m
Vane carantaa phalaani sa.mharantaa te udaka.m patu.m icchissanti.

6. Farmers approaching the city will look at vehicles running on the road.
kassakaa / upasa`nkamantaa / nagara.m / passissanti / rathe / caramaane / maggamhi
Nagara.m upasa`nkamantaa kassakaa maggamhi caramaane rathe passissanti.

7. The rising sun will illuminate the world.
udento / suriyo / obhaasessati / loka.m
Udento suriyo loka.m obhaasessati.

8. The trees in the park will bathe in the light of the moon.
rukkhaa / uyyaanasmi.m / nahaayissanti / aalokena / candassa
Uyyaanasmi.m rukkhaa candassa aalokena nahaayissanti.

9. You (sg.) will be pleased seeing your sons asking questions from the wise man.
tva.m / pasiidissasi / passanto / disvaa / putte / pucchamaane / pa~nhe / pa.n.ditamhaa
Tva.m pa.n.ditamhaa pa~nhe pucchamaane putte disvaa pasiidissasi.

10. The children will like to see the parrots eating fruits on the trees.
daarakaa / icchissanti / passitu.m / suke / khaadante / phalaani / rukkhesu
Daarakaa rukkhesu phalaani khaadante suke passitu.m icchissanti.

11. We are doctors coming from the island, you are teachers going to the island.
maya.m / homa / vejjaa / aagacchantaa / diipasmaa / tumhe / hotha / aacariyaa / gacchantaa / diipa.m
Maya.m diipasmaa aagacchantaa vejjaa homa, tumhe diipa.m gacchantaa aacariyaa hotha.

12. He will take money and go to the shop to buy goods.
so / aadaaya / muula.m / gamissati / aapa.na.m / ki.nitu.m / bha.n.daani
So muula.m aadaaya bha.n.daani ki.nitu.m aapa.na.m gamissati.

13. Having filled the bowl with drinking water the child will give it to the beggar eating rice.
puuretvaa / patta.m / paaniiyena / daarako / dadissati / yaacakaaya / bhu~njamaanaaya / odana.m
Paaniiyena patta.m puuretvaa daarako odana.m bhu~njamaanaaya yaacakaaya dadissati.

14. Men wishing to get merit will plant trees for people in the world.
manussaa / icchantaa / labhitu.m / pu~n~na.m / ropessanti / rukkhe / purisaana.m / lokasmi.m
Pu~n~na.m labhitu.m icchantaa manussaa lokasmi.m purisaana.m rukkhe ropessanti.

15. Searching for wealth wicked men will oppress farmers living righteously in villages.
pariyesantaa / dhana.m / asappurisaa / pii.lessanti / kassake / jiivante / dhammena / gaamesu
Dhana.m pariyesantaa asappurisaa gaamesu dhammena jiivante kassake pii.lessanti.

16. There are fruits on the trees in the mountains.
bhavanti / phalaani / rukkhesu / pabbatesu
Pabbatesu rukkhesu phalaani bhavanti.

17. Good men doing meritorious deeds will learn the dhamma from monks.
sappurisaa / karontaa / kusalakammaani / ugga.nhissanti / dhamma.m / sama.nehi
Kusalakammaani karontaa sappurisaa sama.nehi dhamma.m ugga.nhissanti.

18. Wise men instruct kings governing the islands.
pa.n.ditaa / anusaasanti / bhuupaale / paalente / diipe
Pa.n.ditaa diipe paalente bhuupaale anusaasanti.

19. You will buy fish from fishermen coming from the sea.
tva.m / ki.nissasi / macche / dhiivarehi / aagacchantehi / samuddamhaa
Tva.m samuddamhaa aagacchantehi dhiivarehi macche ki.nissasi.

20. Wishing to learn the dhamma we approach the Buddha.
aaka`nkhamaanaa / ugga.nhitu.m / dhamma.m / maya.m / upasa`nkamaama / Buddha.m
Dhamma.m ugga.nhitu.m aaka`nkhamaanaa maya.m Buddha.m upasa`nkamaama.

21. Seeing the jackal coming to the park the children will get frightened.
disvaa / sigaala.m / aagacchanta.m / uyyaana.m / daarakaa / bhaayissanti
Uyyaana.m aagacchanta.m sigaala.m disvaa daarakaa bhaayissanti.

22. They will go to see the king coming to the village with the ministers.
te / gamissanti / passitu.m / bhuupaala.m / aagacchanta.m / gaama.m / amaccehi saha
Amaccehi saha gaama.m aagacchanta.m bhuupaala.m passitu.m te gamissanti.

23. You are a good man who lives righteously.
tva.m / hosi / sappuriso / jiivanto / dhammena
Tva.m dhammena jiivanto sappuriso hosi.

24. I see a parrot picking a fruit with its beak.
aha.m / passaami / suka.m / ocinaamaana.m / phala.m / tu.n.dena
Aha.m tu.n.dena phala.m ocinaamaana.m suka.m passaami.

25. We will become good men practising virtue.
maya.m / bhavissaama / sappurisaa / rakkhamaanaa / siilaani
Maya.m siilaani rakkhamaanaa sappurisaa bhavissaama.