
Input Easy

updated May 5, 2000

For the incredulous: Just imagine what it would be like if all of this were actually true! Use the Quick Start tutorial to get an impression of the product in about 10 minutes.

The theory, method and software product are useful for students, teachers, tutors, seminar leaders, book publishers, not-for-profit organizations, salespeople and company training departments. (Note: It has been suggested that it may be able to help people with learning disabilities - such as Alzheimer's Disease - to learn and re-learn things faster but I have not tested this).

- Improves your learning speed by a factor of 10 and your re-learning speed by a factor of 100. There is no faster way to memorize a body of facts than using this method and software.

- Makes it fast and easy to re-learn information weeks, months or years after you originally mastered the material (such as after a vacation, summer break, illness or other long interval)

- Allows you to quantify knowledge so that you can personally be confident that you have a complete picture, and that you have mastered all of the relevant material.

- Uses knowledge quantification and your personal learning speed for accurate progress tracking and completion time prediction. (This is useful for time planning and project cost-benefit analysis).

- Moves the individual student learning standard from "grades" to a cost-effectively verifiable 100% for pre-defined, non-creative learning content

- Allows an employer, teacher or school to quickly and inexpensively determine if a person has really mastered a body of knowledge - and provides a tool for "filling in the missing pieces"

- Automatically identifies facts which you have not mastered while you are testing, and automatically produces a targeted list of facts which you need to focus on.

- Creates numbered paper tests at the push of a button, can check your answers at the push of a button, and then instantly produces a targeted study sheet which contains only the material which you did not get correct.

- Can be used by people who type, people learning to type, and people who can't type at all

- Can be used alone or with other people (such as a tutor or friend)

- If you own voice recognition software, you can enter the information by voice

- If you have information in existing computer files (like a word processor or spreadsheet), you can easily edit and prepare your information before you load it automatically into the program.

- Keeps you completely focused, concentrated and motivated during learning tasks without tiring you out

- Is ergonomically better and more comfortable than using books and paper.

- Makes it easy to track your progress through a body of knowledge

- Supports any font and language which your computer does

- Is a small, one-file program for fast download and easy administration (still important in many countries)

- You can easily copy and email the learning files you create to other people

- It uses an identical file format for both the Windows® 3.1 and Windows® 95/98 versions of the product

- Is written in Microsoft™ Visual C++, so it is portable to other systems.

- Even if you never use the program, my method or my theory of learning, the documentation includes Amazing learning Tips from other sources which you can use to dramatically increase your learning effectiveness (or that of your students and children) on top of what the product can do.

- And it's absolutely free.

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