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Introduction to Pali (Third Edition)

A. K. Warder (1991)

Sample Texts

This section contains some sample texts from the book Introduction to Pali. These texts are extracted for the sole purpose of study. If you are interested to read further, the book is available for sale from the Pali Text Society (PTS) and major online book retailers, such as amazon.com.

The Pali Collective Group Reading 1
April 16 - July 29, 2007

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5

The Pali Collective Group Reading 2
coming soon...

Lesson 17
Lesson 18

Note: These sample texts are copyright materials. Please do not distribute them.

Study Guide

The study guide is available here: http://www.tipitaka.net/paliintroguide.pdf

Solutions to Exercises

There are several sets of solutions to the book's exercises.

  1. Trilinear solution (John Kelly)
  2. Detailed grammatical analysis (Alan McClure)
    For the two above, see Pali Day by Day.
  3. Warder's Lessons Key (Brahmali Bhikkhu)
    This MS Word document is now in PDF format. [download (970KB)]
  4. English to Pali exercises (Justin Meiland)
    Go to PTS website [link], click English to Paali Exercises on the left panel.